Dark to Light: An Exposure Story
"Sad soul, take comfort nor forget, that sunrise never failed us yet" -- Celia Thaxter
Today's share is a little different than the typical light-hearted, easy read of my prior blogs (not forever, but for today). It is darker, raw, poetic, and exposed. But this is where my heart is today, overflowing with the deep reality that rolls over me like the tides of the ocean. It's all so damn overwhelming, and the darkness can quickly consume us with just one trip down the rabbit hole of social media today.
I’m going to let it all pour out here. Join me and muse with me today, let's dance in the shadows.
There is darkness in our world, so much terrible darkness. I have had revelation after revelation recently as I uncover just how far down the tunnel we can go once we start to uncover the harshest of truths. It’s a gut check. For me, what started as a click- bait, link click about the Wayfair scandal has become weeks and months of searching for light amongst the dark of today’s conspiracy theories surrounding pedophilia in elite circles, media manipulation and corruption, racial hate crimes, mass hysteria and mislabeling, constant misinformation, toxicity overload and forced control. I’ve taken the red pill, my friends. But that's exactly what we need today, truth. And sometimes, the truth hurts.
I believe in balance. Balance of the universe, our surroundings, our vibrations, our energy. Balance of dark and light, good and evil, fast and slow, yin and yang. In the world today, we wake up in the morning, opening our eyes to a new day and new light. Refreshed, revitalized, and ready for whatever may come our way. But then, we open our social medias, we turn on the news, or we even just go to work and are greeted by a new headline or a "did you hear this?!" from a coworker. And there it is again, the vast fog of negativity that creeps in. The looming reality. The darkness arrives. It feels like we can’t escape it.
But I’m begging you, don’t be afraid of the darkness.
We can escape it. We can outrun it. We can defeat it. It will take effort. But we will become what we take in if we don’t find the light in all of this.
We must find balance as we sift through the darkness of the world today, and find the light our souls desire.
Join me and let’s find the light together.
Lately my days have included the heaviest emotions that twist and writhe until they become something else completely. Shock turns to grief turns to despair turns to rage. Anger against the wrongdoings of our children turns to fierce purpose, awareness and drive to abolition.
I’m awake now and my eyes are open wide.
I’ve quickly realized that I have been sheltered and blissfully unaware of just how dark our world can be. Maybe I should look back and be thankful for that, because those blissful years were easy. But here we are now, in the real world, I’m an adult and now it’s my job to determine how much truth to uncover to my own daughter one day. Multiple times I've become so emotional over something new I've learned, just ask my husband. It’s been a gut check. And while this is hard, such a hard pill to swallow, I find light in the newfound awareness. I find purpose and a pull to use my voice against this. It's not a conspiracy anymore. As hard as some of this stuff is to read, I still want to know just exactly the extent of what’s out there, so I know how to defend myself and how to conquer the dark. Don’t you want to know just how scary that monster under your bed is, so you know how bad it can really be? Do you want to read the end of the book first, to know what happens?
I do.
I want to find balance between dark and light.
Only light can defeat dark, and light will always win. Please, if you’re in the same boat as I am these days, I beg you to find the light and breathe it in. Realize that we can act on these experiences, these stories. We can use our voice and take action for those who can’t even speak yet. We can come up for air and float, find positivity, find purpose, and find peace. We can think for ourselves and go against the grain. We don’t have to comply.
I find the light in the innocence of my own sweet daughter and in the arms of loving husband again and again as I greet him with “another conspiracy” to discuss. I find light in his patience as I wake up to the world he’s known for years. I find light in the hot summer evenings spent outside with no social media, and instead with good friends and cold drinks. I find light in friends or strangers who reach out in reply to the things I share and tell me their own personal stories. I find light by practicing daily gratitude and realizing that there IS balance in the world, as well. It’s not all darkness.
We have to shed light onto the dark, friends. Find the light amongst the dark, don’t dwell in the bleak nothingness of night. Whatever it takes for you to find the light that is left in the world, do it. It’s there, waiting for you, as am I. Maybe you meditate, maybe you travel, maybe you escape reality into a book or exercise. Take care of your mental health, your emotional health, your spiritual health. Take a break from the media, write it out, confide in a friend. Share the positive news instead. Whatever you need to do to come back up for air and expel the darkness out. Shake it off. Let’s get to the good space again.
We are the next generation, and change starts now. To beat the darkness, we need to expose it. We have control of how we vote, which celebrities we support, where we spend our money, how we spend our time and to whom we give out attention. We have new found awareness of our surroundings, and we can defend ourselves accordingly. We choose how we live our lives, we choose to wake all the way up and wade through this murky water, splashing and flailing out the other side in confidence. We are free, despite what mainstream media shows us. We can unite across culture and race and gender and age, we can support each other. We can take hands and walk together. The sun will always rise in the morning, no matter how deep the night gets.
Join me, and let’s step into the sunlight and seek the light. Let’s let the truth pour in and wade through it together. Let's expose the darkness for all it's worth.
There's no going back now.