Toxic Ingredients Guide

Welcome back to the blog! Today I have something up my sleeve, a gift for you, and an educational tool that can help us along the way of clean living! I created this "Toxic Ingredients Guide" for us to share, and my hope is that next time you question an ingredient on the label of your household and personal products, this guide can serve clarity for you.

I've rounded up the top 16 most harmful chemical ingredients (in my opinion and yours, thanks to your feedback!) that we might see in the everyday world, and listed three side effects for each that have the most negative impacts on our bodies. Now of course, when we read this, please understand that these are worst case scenario, constant everyday copious use type situations. If you use products with these ingredients it doesn't mean you are going to develop cancer or already have. BUT - we do have control over what we inflict on ourselves due to the products we use and we can prevent these things from happening. Why use a product that you know will harm you, when we have the choice not to? A quick online search will reveal multiple case studies and thorough research linking the ingredient to the side effects listed, and I've put them all together for us because it's time to wake up, friends.

There is actual proof.

These are the first of a few free guides I will create, with the others emphasizing on food/food prep and baby items. Feel free to save the images below to your device to use while you shop, have on hand at home, pin for later, or share with your friends!

Want to know more about an ingredient that you don't see listed? I'd love to research it for us both for the sake of learning and awareness. Feel free to send it my way! And as always I am more than happy to share my sources/citations for anyone interested.

Thanks for visiting today! I hope this guide is useful, educational, and eye opening to what is going on out there. I'm sharing my passion with you because I want to see you nourish your bodies, love them, and make decisions armed with knowledge and care.



Elderberry Syrup Recipe


Ingredients to Ditch Now