Practical Prepping
Sharing inspiration and instigation for prepping the pantry, the garden, and the mindset when it comes to self-reliance. A user’s manual for where to start with my family’s own personal examples! Here’s to the future, may we thrive and twine together in the wild outside - sharing unbridled creativity and community for all.

Holism in Healthcare
Discussion about the balance of holism in traditional western medicine, and the teetering between promoting wellness and providing healthcare. Welcoming open minds of my fellow providers and any of us who support holistic wellness!

A Self Reliance Tale
A tale of my self-reliance in a time of feigned dependence, and a personal challenge for you to write your own. Emphasis on list making and defining achievable goals + implementation to help be our own best advocates for survival.
Sustainable - Attainable
My interpretation of “plastic free July” and what living sustainable truly means. Freedom in a different sense! This lifestyle is something we will work at for the rest of our lives, and one that will grow and change with us as we step into the next chapters of our stories, which are incredibly individual. But if we can stop using single-use plastics as much as possible, we’re on the right path.
From Montana, with Love
Greetings from the Treasure state! A warm welcome back, and some announcements about the new blog, renovation of this space, and our new online community.

Toxic Ingredients Guide
A quick, educational reference guide from me to you about the most common toxins we come in contact with and the main effects on our bodies.

Ingredients to Ditch Now
Paragraph breakdowns of the worst offenders, with included citations at the end!